Thursday, 27 September 2012

The Only Standard in Warranty Protection

When it comes to buying a quality builders warranty, home buyers warranty or home owners warranty insurance, why would you trust anyone other than PWC? Our company empowers builders with risk management solutions that help control long-term risks and give their companies an edge in the current marketplace. Thanks to our strong relationship with one of the nation’s largest A+ rated insurance companies, PWC brings expertise and innovative thinking to the warranty industry. You’ll be hard-pressed to find another company that alleviates the burden of home warranty plans quite like we do!

For more than 15 years we have worked with America’s top builders to provide professionally administered written warranty programs that are fair to both the builder and buyer. No other home protect warranty company addresses your needs quite like us. We administer a variety of programs and services for the residential market, including long-term new home warranty programs that help builders define their warranty service obligations and secure those obligations with insurance products tailored to their warranty exposures. Make the leap to security and peace of mind with a PWC program. Contact us today to learn more about our quality builders warranty and home buyers warranty.

Home Protection that Sells

Did you know more than 89% of new homebuyers would like their builder to provide an insured warranty, but only 30% of new homes sold have one? At PWC, our signature quality builders warranty, the 10-year Insured Builder Warranty Program, is backed by an A+ rated insurance company. The program benefits builders with detailed performance standards, an informal dispute settlement resolution system to resolve warranty complaints, easy transferability and no claim fee or deductible for the consumer.

A tremendous benefit to you and your customers, PWC’s program can be used as a valuable sales tool for builders! These warranty plans help builders sell homes by building trust with their customers. It provides the strongest insurance protection in the industry, with multiple layers of protection and minimum paperwork — a blessing for both the builder and buyer. To learn more about these quality builders warranty, visit our website.